Ab 8. März:
Vorabendmesse Samstag
in der Muttergotteskapelle Echternach (rue Rabatt)
17.00 Uhr
3.00-3.30 p.m.Confession
5.00 p.m. Mass (Chapelle Notre-Dame, rue Rabatt)
9.00 a.m. Mass
10.30 a.m. Mass
6.30 p.m.Mass
9.00 a.m. Pilgrim Mass in honor of St. Willibrord
9.00 a.m. Mass
6.30 p.m. Mass for children and families (except school holidays)
9.00 a.m. Mass
6.30 p.m. Adoration (except school holidays)
7.00 p.m. Vespers (except school holidays)
9.00 a.m. Mass
09.30 p.m. Adoration (first Friday)
The Fund (Kierchefong) manages the material needs of the parish.
The organization provides at the level of the communes (Fabrique d’église) and the Parish Management Council at the level of the parish.
We can be reached outside office hours via email or telephone.
The Willibrordus-Bauverein (recognized as being of public utility) takes care of the maintenance of the Basilica and the propagation of the cult of St Willibrord. It is the organizer of the Dancing Procession.
The reader has an important mission: to read the divine word before the assembly, to proclaim the Word of God in the service of the community.
The “Eechternoacher Massdéiner” are a recognized association since 1989. However, there have been altar servants in Echternach for centuries. In 2019, we had the chance to look back on 30 years of the association’s history!
What sets us apart as Echternach altar servers is that, on the one hand, we are the largest group of altar servers in the country, but also one of the largest clubs in Echternach. We are a very young and active team; our youngest members are 8 years old and there is no age limit. We currently have about 60 members, which allows us to organize many activities.
In addition to our liturgical service, we organize several festivities and participate in several events each year (e.g., the summer party, the carnival party, the Christmas market, etc.).
We are also socially involved, whether it is by supporting charitable organizations or by helping at the local level.
Would you like to be a mass server too? Register with us!
Mass Servers
We can be reached outside office hours via email or telephone.
LU54 0019 5055 3954 5000
Kierchefong Echternach CGP 14