The Basilica is a place of prayer, meeting and exchange.

Liturgy & Parish life

Church services


3.00-3.30 p.m.Confession

6.30 p.m. Mass


9.00 a.m. Mass

10.30 a.m. Mass

6.30 p.m.Mass


9.00 a.m. Pilgrim Mass in honor of St. Willibrord


9.00 a.m. Mass


6.30 p.m. Mass for children and families (except school holidays)


9.00 a.m. Mass

6.30 p.m. Adoration (except school holidays)

7.00 p.m. Vespers (except school holidays)


9.00 a.m. Mass

09.30 p.m. Adoration (first Friday)


Worship services in the parish

Parish websites



Pastoral Team

Francis Erasmy
Parish Priest - Rector Basilica
28, rue de la Montagne
L-6470 Echternach
Carlo Morbach
Parish Priest
12, Porte St Willibrord
L-6486 Echternach
Luc Schreiner
Parish Priest
5, rue Luc Bonblet
L-6582 Rosport
Anise Metz
Parish Assistant
12, Porte St Willibrord
L–6486 Echternach
Josiane Mirkes
Parish Assistant
12, Porte St Willibrord
L-6486 Echternach
Luc Zimmer
12, Porte St Willibrord
L-6486 Echternach
Charlotte Berens
Parish Secretary
12, Porte St Willibrord
L-6486 Echternach
Nico Jans
Pastor Retired
21, rue Rabatt
L-6475 Echternach
Fernand Reuter
Pastor Retired
10, rue Ste Claire
L-6421 Echternach

Associate liturgy

Jos Majerus
Organist and Music Coordinator
2, Reisduerferstrooss
L-9366 Ermsdorf
Marc Juncker
17, rue Jean Brachmond
L-6691 Moersdorf
José Da Costa
Nico Dom
André Mendes
President Altar Boy
Christine Ludwig
Liturgy of the Enfants
Mathilde Gügel
Maria Konter-Schilling
Tom Osborne

Board of Parish management

Fernand Boden
Felix Conzemius
Camille Reuland
Kathy Bauer


Board of Directors (CGP)


  • Fernand Boden, Président
  • Felix Conzemius, Gestionnaire financier
  • Camille Reuland, Gestionnaire immobilier
  • Kathy Bauer, Secrétaire
  • Jean Audry
  • Cilly Audry-Willems
  • Willi Bauer
  • Martin Bisenius
  • Ginette Letsch-Scheffen
  • Raoul Scholtes
  • Jean Vossen
  • Marc Weydert

Church council Echternach


  • Fernand Boden, Président
  • Maria Konter-Schilling, Trésorière
  • Edy Schmitz, Secrétaire
  • Felix Conzemius
  • Frank Eiffes
  • Ricardo Marques
  • Frank Kersch
  • Marcel Kohn
  • Pierre Thill
  • Jean Zimmer


Board of Directors

  • Marc Diederich, Président
  • Raoul Scholtes, Vice-président
  • Pierre Kauthen, Président honoraire
  • Fränz Barone, Trésorier
  • Anise Metz, Secrétaire
  • Mireille Bauler-Kohl, Secrétaire adjointe
  • Francis Erasmy
  • Eric Meyers
  • André Schroeder
  • Henriette Spedener-Mischaux
  • Jean-Claude Spedener
  • Théo Thiry
  • Norbert Sauber

Fund management Parish St Willibrord Region Echternach

The Fund (Kierchefong) manages the material needs of the parish.

The organization provides at the level of the communes (Fabrique d’église) and the Parish Management Council at the level of the parish.

CGP 14 - FE 50 B (Basilique)
Boite Postale 1908
L-1019 Luxembourg

Contact - Parish office

We can be reached outside office hours via email or telephone.

12, Porte St Willibrord
L-6486 Echternach
Office hours:
Tuesday to Thursday
10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m


The Willibrordus-Bauverein (recognized as being of public utility) takes care of the maintenance of the Basilica and the propagation of the cult of St Willibrord. It is the organizer of the Dancing Procession.

B.P. 65
L-6401 Echternach
Fonds Willibrordus-Bauverein a.s.b.l.
CCPLLULL LU24 1111 2358 3225 0000


The reader has an important mission: to read the divine word before the assembly, to proclaim the Word of God in the service of the community.


  • Robert Altmann
  • Sam Greisch
  • Joëlle Greisch-Lang
  • Jean-Claude Grosbusch
  • Mathilde Gügel
  • Hervé Guilbert
  • Christiane Hoscheid-Nicks
  • Maria Konter-Schilling
  • Christine Ludwig
  • Milly Merten
  • Eric Meyers
  • Leticia Rodrigues Fernandes
  • Norbert Stors
  • Nicole Trapp

Mass Servers

In the succession of St Willibrord!

The “Eechternoacher Massdéiner” are a recognized association since 1989. However, there have been altar servants in Echternach for centuries. In 2019, we had the chance to look back on 30 years of the association’s history!

What sets us apart as Echternach altar servers is that, on the one hand, we are the largest group of altar servers in the country, but also one of the largest clubs in Echternach. We are a very young and active team; our youngest members are 8 years old and there is no age limit. We currently have about 60 members, which allows us to organize many activities.

In addition to our liturgical service, we organize several festivities and participate in several events each year (e.g., the summer party, the carnival party, the Christmas market, etc.).

We are also socially involved, whether it is by supporting charitable organizations or by helping at the local level.

Would you like to be a mass server too? Register with us!

Eechternoacher Massdéiner

Mass Servers

André Mendes Rosa
B.P. 40
L-6401 Echternach
Want to get to know us?
Contact us by phone or email or just come to the sacristy before or after a service.

Parish office

Sie möchten heiraten, Ihr Kind taufen lassen oder es zur Katechese oder für die Erst.-Kommunion anmelden? Sie wollen einen Auszug aus dem Taufregister anfordern oder eine Messe bestellen? Sie brauchen Informationen über die Pfarrei?

Das Pfarrbüro hilft Ihnen gerne weiter.

Contact - Parish office

We can be reached outside office hours via email or telephone.

12, Porte St Willibrord
L-6486 Echternach
Office hours:
Tuesday to Thursday
10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m

Account intentions for Mass

LU54 0019 5055 3954 5000


Kierchefong Echternach CGP 14


Gebühren für Gottesdienste

Messe CIPA
Messe simple / ohne Orgel20,00€
Messe avec orgues / mit Orgel30.00€
Funérailles / Beerdigungsgottesdienst125,00€
Mariage / Hochzeit150,00€

Texte: Francis Erasmy

Fotos: Archidiocèse de Luxembourg (Gil Veloso), Peuky Barone, Nico Dom, Francis Erasmy, Philippe Fauvel, Serge Feltes, Margret Friedrich (Fotostudio Creativ Echternach), Tom Osborne, Luc Schreiner, Pierre Weber, Pfarrarchiv