I Positiv C–c4 (schwellbar)
Lieblich Gedackt 8’
Quintadena 8’
Salicional 8’
Principal 4’
Blockflöte 4’
Octave 2’
Sifflöte 1’
Scharff VI
Septimcymbel III
Krummhorn 8’
Vox humana 8’
II Hauptwerk C–c4
Principal 16’
Bordun 16’
Octave 8’
Holzgedackt 8’
Gemshorn 8’
Gamba 8’
Quinte 5 1⁄3′
Octave 4’
Rohrflöte 4’
Hohlflöte 2’
Rauschpfeife II
Mixtur VI-VIII
Scharff IV-V
Cornett V 8′ (1991)
Trompete 16’
Trompete 8’
III Oberwerk C–c4
Principal 8’
Rohrflöte 8’
Gedacktpommer 8’
Octave 4’
Quintadena 4’
Superoctave 2’
Waldflöte 2’
Gemsquinte 1 1⁄3′
Sesquialtera II 2 2⁄3′
Mixtur V-VI
Cymbel III
Dulcian 16’
Schalmey 8’
Kopftrompete 4’
IV Schwellwerk C–c4
Quintadena 16’
Principal 8’
Spitzgambe 8’
Vox coelestis 8’ (1991)
Grobgedackt 8’
Octave 4’
Violflöte 4’
Nasat 2 2⁄3′
Flachflöte 2’
Terz 1 3⁄5′
Mixtur IV-VI
Fagott 16’
Trompete 8’
Clairon 4’
Pedal C–g1
Untersatz 32’
Principalbass 16’
Subbass 16’
Zartbass 16’ (Tr IV)
Quintbass 10 2⁄3′
Octavbass 8’
Gedacktbass 8’
Choralbass 4’
Bassflöte 4’
Nachthorn 2’
Hintersatz IV
Cornett V 8′
Contrafagott 32’ (1991)
Posaune 16’
Fagott 16’ (Tr IV)
Trompete 8’
Clarine 4’
Trompeteria C–c4 (1991)
Trompeta magna 16’
Trompeta de batalla 8’
Bajoncillo 4’-8’

Organ positive in the choir
Manual C-g³
Gedackt 8′ (B/D)
Rohrflöte 4′ (B/D)
Nazard 2 2/3′ (D)
Doublette 2′ (B/D)
Terz 1 3/5′ (D)
Larigot 1 1/3′ (B/D)

Organ positive in the crypt
Manual C-g³
Gedackt 8′
Rohrflöte 4′
Hohlflöte 2′

Jos Majerus
Basilica organist
Since 2018 Jos Majerus has been the titular organist and musical coordinator of the Basilica.
1995: At the age of seven, beginning of his musical education at the music school of Diekirch (conservatoire du Nord), in the organ class of Maurice Clement.
2010: Superior prize organ; second prize piano; first prize in chamber music; first honours in harmony theory. Bachelor in church music at Lucerne (CH) College of Music, with the organ as main subject, with Elisabeth Zawadke and Johannes Strobl; singing with Michael Pavlu and choral conducting with Pascal Mayer. Study of the organ with Elisabeth Zawadke and Kay Johannsen, consolidation of 17th and 18th century music. Harpsichord and basso continuo studies with Bettina Seeliger.
International Bach Organ Academy with Michael Radulescu at the monastery of Muri (CH). Workshop on organ improvisation in the baroque style with Rudolf Lutz. Workshop with organ works by J.S. Bach with Ton Koopman in Lucerne.
2015: Graduation – instrumental master performance (Konzertdiplom) with honours with the organ as main subject.
Finalist in the international organ competition of Dudelange (L). 3rd priz ex-aequo at the International Mendelssohn Organ Competition of Aarau (CH).
2016: Masterclass in Basel with Ben van Oosten.
Master studies course in specialized performance – soloist at the Musik-Akademie Basel. Organ forum at Schola Cantorum Basiliensis with Martin Sander and Jörg-Andreas Bötticher.
2017: International master class in Basel with Olivier Latry; master class at the Ludgeri church of Norden (East Frisia) with Harald Vogel.
2018: 2nd graduation: master in specialized performance – soloist at the Musik-Akademie Basel. Organ as main subject with Martin Sander.

Basilica Organists since 1900

Max Menager | 1899-1944 (1874-1963 + Echternach) |
Pierre Nimax | 1949-1952 (1930-2021) |
Camille Rodenbour | 1953-1958 (1929-2003) |
Marcel Weber | 1959-1986 (1930-1986 + Echternach) |
Jean-Marie Kieffer | 1986-2014 (1960-2023 + Echternach) |
Paul Kayser | 2014-2018 (*1979) |
Jos Majerus | 2018 (*1988) |
Max Menager (1874-1963 +Echternach)
Titular organist of the Basilica from 1899-1944.
He studied music in Cologne and Paris, where he was a pupil of Charles-Marie Widor.
The organ over time
Max Menager


Basilica choir 2022

Basilica choir 2019
Guest choirs
The Carillon